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Donald Trump's plan for 'making America great again' includes 'extreme vetting' for Muslims

Trinaa Prasad | Updated on: 7 November 2016, 16:30 IST

Homophobic, Islamophobic, sense-phobic man-child, Donald J Trump, who due to a severe lapse of judgment is the presumptive Republican nominee for President of the United States of America stubbornly refuses to shut up, or make sense.

While 2015 was about 'banning Muslims' and/or giving them 'Muslim IDs', 2016 is about 'vetting'. But 'extremely'.

During a very awkward and more painful-than-usual interview with Lesley Stahl on 60 Minutes with his chuckling running mate, Mike Pence, Donald Trump made it clear for once and for all - there is no way he actually passed even high school, let alone college, with his poor communication skills.

If you remember school - or even life - what constitutes a proper answer is a coherency, logical reasoning supporting it, backed by a non-haphazard presentation. Which means that one a scale of one to Game of Thrones, Trump's answers are the equivalent of GoT, Season 6. You feel like you've seen and heard a lot, but in reality, it's nothing but padding gift wrapper with more padding, with a side of wildfire.

Here's the quote if you think we're exaggerating:

"Change territories, but there are territories and terror states and terror nations that we're not going to allow the people to come into our country... We're going to have a thing called 'extreme vetting.' And if people want to come in, there's going to be extreme vetting. We're going to have extreme vetting. They're going to come in and we're going to know where they came from and who they are."

Translation: Muslims in general, Syrian refugees in particular, would not be safe in Trump's America. Trump does not want to "let people in from Syria that nobody knows who they are". Sort of sounds like he doesn't want anyone whose country he cannot point out on a map to come to America.

For those with the memory of a goldfish, or who have happier things to remember than Trump quotes, this is not the first time Trump has spoken about 'vetting' Muslims. Post his visit to Scotland in the wake of Brexit, The Daily Mail asked him to clear his stance on banning Muslims, and Trump said:

"I don't want people coming in - I don't want people coming in from certain countries. I don't want people coming in from the terror countries. You have terror countries! I don't want them, unless they're very, very strongly vetted."

Must be difficult to be this rational all the time.

With November hurtling towards us faster than anyone would like ( #ByeObama ), and since there is a real danger of Trump actually becoming POTUS, all anyone can do at this point is pray. Pray that all those Hollywood movies we've endured where America - and only America - saves the world from aliens, becomes a reality.

Pray that the Americans pick the lesser evil of the two.


Edited by Aishwarya Yerra

First published: 18 July 2016, 18:59 IST