Home » Lite » 'Crotch'ing tiger? Twitter twists itself out of shape to make memes out of Baba Ramdev cover

'Crotch'ing tiger? Twitter twists itself out of shape to make memes out of Baba Ramdev cover

Akansha Gupta | Updated on: 10 February 2017, 1:48 IST

Yoga guru, entrepreneur and everyone's favourite meme fodder, Baba Ramdev, has broken the internet yet again. While his yoga prowess and his entrepreneurial skills are indeed laudable, it appears as though India - and Twitter India to be precise - cannot get enough of the saffron-clad Baba Ramdev.

The 25 July 2016 edition of India Today magazine has managed to capture everyone's attention with its cover photograph of Baba Ramdev in the Prasarita Padottanasana (wide-legged forward bend) yoga pose. "How Baba Ramdev discovered commerce and turned spirituality on its head to emerge as a political, economic and cultural superbrand," the cover reads.

The photo, which is unconventional - to say the least - has gone viral. An upside down Baba Ramdev has inspired Twitterati to create a host of memes.

If you haven't seen the India Today cover yet, then be warned that this is an image that is bound to stay with you for a long time. No matter how much you try to forget it.

Don't believe us? Here is the cover of the issue, in all its glory.

Now. Pick your jaw off the floor and take a look at our pick of the best Baba Ramdev memes from Twitter:

First published: 15 July 2016, 11:51 IST