Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) has released a job notification for various posts on its official website. Interested and eligible candidates can check the details about the vacancies released for Graduate aspirants.
ONGC is hiring to various posts of apprentices in different trade/departments. The application form can be submitted at ongcapprentices.ongc.co.in.
There is a total of 4182 vacancies released by ONGC across the country.
Check ONGC Apprentice Vacancy Details:
Total posts: 4182 vacancies
- Northern Sector- 228
- Mumbai- 764
- Western Sector- 1579
- Eastern Sector-716
- Southern Sector-674
- Central Sector- 221
Interested and eligible candidates can submit their application form on or before August 17, 2020.
ONGC Apprentice Recruitment 2020 Eligibility Criteria
Educational Qualification:
- Accountant: Aspirants holding Bachelor's degree (Graduation) in Commerce from a Govt. recognized institute/University can submit their application form.
- Assistant Human Resource: Bachelor's degree (Graduation) in Commerce from a Govt. recognized institute/University.
- For Secretarial Assistant, Computer Operator and Programming Assistant, Draughtsman, Information and Communication Technology System Maintenance, Electrician, Electronics Mechanic, Fitter, Instrument Mechanic, Laboratory Assistant (Chemical Plant), Library Assistant, Machinist, Mechanic (Motor Vehicle), Plumber, Surveyor, Welder, Mechanical Diesel, Registration and Air Conditioning Mechanic - ITI Certificate in the concerned subject can apply.
- For Civil, Computer Science, Electrical, Electronics & Communication, Electronics, Mechanical posts- Diploma in the respective disciplines of Engineering from a Govt. recognized Institute/ University.
Age Limit –
The minimum age limit required to apply for the post is 18 years while the maximum age limit is 24 years.
Note: Age relaxation to reserved category will be given as per government norms.
Important Dates:
- Online application starts from: 29 July 2020
- Last date for submission of application: 17 August 2020
- Date of Result/Selection: 24 August 2020
- Date of Result/Selection: 24 August 2020 to 1 September 2020
Selection Procedure for ONGC Apprentice Recruitment 2020
Candidates will be selected for the posts released by ONGC on the basis of Merit.
Note: To read official details about ONCG, candidates can read official notification released by ONGC.