Home » World » Russian oil deal could place India on 'wrong side of history': US

Russian oil deal could place India on 'wrong side of history': US

Speed News Desk | Updated on: 16 March 2022, 12:49 IST
IND-RUS Oil Deal

In response to reports that India may be intrested in Russia’s offer of discounted crude oil, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said on Tuesday that it would not be a violation of US sanctions on Russia in the midst of Ukraine invasion.

Questioned knowingly about the same at a press conference, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said, “I don't believe this would be violating that [sanctions]."

However, Jen Psaki added that such a decision could put India on the wrong side of history. “But also think about where you want to stand when history books are written at this moment in time. Support for the Russian leadership is support for an invasion that obviously is having a devastating impact,” she said.

Furthermore, she added, "Our message to any country continues to be that abide by the sanctions that we have put in place and recommended."

Not long ago, in a statement on the issue, Indian-American Congressman Ami Bera said it was India's onus to make sure its actions do not support Russia and its invasion of Ukraine.

"If reports are accurate and India makes this decision to buy Russian oil at a discounted price, New Delhi would be choosing to side with Vladimir Putin at a pivotal time in history when countries across the world have come in support of Ukraine and against Russia's deadly invasion," Ami Bera said.

The Indian-American Congressman Ami Bera said, "As the world's largest democracy and as a leader of the Quad, India has a responsibility to ensure its actions do not directly or indirectly support Putin and his invasion."

Russia launched a huge military operation against Ukraine on 24th February, prompting a massive refugee crisis and the deaths of several hundred civilians. India has often urged all concerned parties to sort out differences via dialogue. However, India has kept themselves away from every United Nations resolutions against Russia.

The West has imposed several sanctions and financial penalties on Russia in a bid to pressurise it into ending its offensive in Ukraine.

Also Read: Russia continues its offensive in Ukraine ahead of 5th round of peace talks: Key updates

First published: 16 March 2022, 12:36 IST