Lenovo-owned Motorola has launched the third-generation Moto E Power in India, available exclusively on Flipkart. The smartphone comes with a price tag of Rs 7,999.
The Moto E3 Power comes with smudge-proof screen and a water-repellant nano coating. It has a 5-inch HD (1280x720p) IPS display and is powered by a 1.0GHz quad-core Mediatek (MTK6735) processor.
It also boasts of 2GB RAM and 16GB of internal storage which can be expanded up to 128Gb via a microSD card.
The smartphone packs a 3500 mAH battery.
The phone runs on Android 6.0 Marshmallow operating system. It has a 8MP auto-focus rear camera, a rear LED flashlight and a 5MP front camera. The Moto E also offers Dual SIM, 4G/LTE, WiFi, GPS, a micro USB port, and a Rear ported speaker (1W).