Apple launched the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus in India on 7 October. Since then, customers are lining up at the stores to get the latest device.
Catch spoke to many Apple stores here and they revealed that they are fast running out of stock. Customers are more inclined to buy the iPhone 7 Plus 128GB model, especially the black variant, but they are returning empty-handed.
The stores revealed that customers are keen to buy the newly-introduced jet black and glossy black variants of the iPhone 7 Plus.
Apart from the 128GB variant, the 32GB variant is also witnessing a huge demand. Many Apple stores revealed that they do not have the glossy black and jet black variants.
A lot of customers are on hold due to unavailability of the iPhone 7 black variants. Stores are waiting for the stocks and only then the customers will get delivery of their device.
In India, Apple does not sell its products directly. The company depends on third-party retailers and distributors to sell its devices in the country.
Recently, Apple tied up with India's biggest e-tailer Flipkart to sell iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus in the country.
Price range
The 32GB, 128GB and 256GB variants of the iPhone 7 are priced at Rs 60,000, Rs 70,000 and Rs 80,000, respectively in India. iPhone 7 Plus models are priced at Rs 72,000 for 32GB, Rs 82,000 for 128GB and Rs 92,000 for 256GB.
Apart from their from sleek looks, here are 3 exciting features in the new iPhones:
1) Stereo speakers
The iPhone 7 devices come with stereo speakers - one each at the top and bottom edge of the display. It looks like HTC's BoomSound has competition now.
2) AirPods
Apple has announced 'AirPods', their new wireless headphones. The infrared sensors detect when the AirPods are in your ear and the motion accelerometers respond to touch, allowing users to interact with Siri. Users can connect their AirPods to their Apple device by just opening up the AirPods' case and tapping "connect." The new wireless earpods will give up to five hours of playback on a single charge.
3) A10 chip 64-bit quad-core CPU
The new A10 chip 64-bit quad-core CPU powers the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus.