Samsung has finally launched its flagship device Galaxy A8 after lots of rumours and leaks of the smartphone. The device is claimed to be the slimmest smartphone Samsung has ever launched. The successor of Samsung A7 is just 5.8mm thick, however it is not the slimmest device in the market. With its thin profile, the phone also has a fingerprint scanner, which also acts a home button.
[subheadingSamsung A8 specifications
The smartphone is based on Android Lollipop 5.1.1 operating system and runs TouchWiz UI on top. It has two SIM slots, out if which one can also be utilised as a microSD card slot. This means that the users can either get dual SIM phone without microSD support or single SIM phone with microSD expansion.
The smartphone has a metal body on the side, a bezel-free screen and somewhat appears to be like Galaxy S6.
Which is slimmest phone?
In a bid to come up with the slimmest smartphone, many smartphone makers have launched devices claiming them to be the slimmest. Gionee Elife S7, Oppo R5and Vivo X5Max are some of the too slim phones with 5.5mm, 4.85mm and 4.75mm thickness, respectively. It seems that Micromax have beaten them all. Their new Canvas Silver 5 measures just 5.1mm thickness.