Malayalam superstar Mohanlal's Oppam has ended its 114-day glorious run at the Kerala Box Office. The Priyadarshan directorial was released on 7 September 2016 and went on to become the second highest Malayalam grosser of 2016 after Pulimurugan. Produced by Mohanlal's friend, Antony Perumbavoor under his banner Aashirvad Cinemas, Oppam also starred Vimala Raman, Samuthirakani, Nedumudi Venu, Baby Meenakshi, Anusree and Kalabhavan Shajon.
Oppam, which marked the 40th collaboration of Mohanlal - Priyadarshan duo was the first Malayalam release of Lalettan. Upon it's release, the film had to face stiff competition from Onam releases including Prihviraj's Oozham, Vikram's Iru Mugan and Dileep's Welcome To Central Jail. But Oppam has shattered the opening week collections of Premam to become the top Malayalam film with the highest opening week (till the release of Pulimurugan).
At the Kerala Box Office, Oppam has minted a huge Rs. 43 crore to become the all-time third Malayalam grosser. The film also had a splendid 12-week-theatrical run in Mumbai as well.