Amidst reports of Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa's 'critical condition', a UK doctor today examined the CM at Apollo Hospital, while there was no official statement on her health neither from the state government nor the hospital.
According to media reports, British doctor Richard John Beale examined Jayalalithaa.
She was admitted to Apollo Hospital on 22 September for fever and dehydration.
Subsequently, Apollo Hospitals said the fever had abated though she needed to be in the hospital for observation.On 30 September, Opposition leader and DMK President M Karunanidhi wished Jayalalithaa a speedy recovery. However, he demanded that the state government release her photos to put a stop to rumours about her medical condition.
"Due to keeping Jayalalithaa's health condition a closely-guarded secret, some people are spreading baseless rumours about her health condition," Karunanidhi said in a statement.
-With inputs from agencies