Tamil Nadu Chief Minister and AIADMK chief J Jayalalithaa is well and asks and demands what she wants, said Chennai's Apollo Hospital on 4 November.
The Tamil Nadu CM has been in the hospital since 22 September, where she is being treated for lung infection.
According to an NDTV report, she would soon be moved out of the critical care unit or CCU soon to a private room.
According to the report, a senior AIADMK leader said that Jayalalithaa's lung infection is under control and that she has passed the critical stage.
For the past one week, Jayalalithaa has been eating semi-solid food. She has been interacting with people.
Apollo Hospital had last issued a medical report on her health on 21 October. Doctors had said her condition had improved but she needed a longer stay at the hospital as she was on respiratory support.
--With agency inputs