Putting an end to the escalating speculations about Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa's 'critical condition', the AIADMK on 1 October said that she was recovering well and that it was not necessary to release photos affirming her condition.
According to an NDTV report, the party said that the CM is recovering well and would be discharged soon. It also said that it is not necessary to release pictures of Jayalalithaa as the AIADMK is answerable only to people and not the Opposition.
The statement came more than 40 hours after the last update on her health. The last medical update on the 68-year-old's condition was provided by Apollo Hospital on 29 September night when it said she was responding well to treatment.
On 30 September, Opposition leader and DMK leader M Karunanidhi had demanded that the AIADMK should "put an end to rumours" by releasing a photograph of her in the hospital.
Also read:UK doctor examines Tamil Nadu CM J Jayalalithaa; party shares no updates on her health