Speed News Desk
| Updated on: 13 February 2017, 9:40 IST
There are mashups, and then there's this. Who would have thought that one day we'd be able see American actor, dancer, choreographer, singer and musician Fred Astaire, dance on Uptown Funk? But the video's only attraction isn't just him. You'll also get to see Judy Garland and Gene Kelly twirling in all their glory.
In all, 66 dance clips from the Golden Years of Hollywood have been put together and the result is flawless. Created by movie aficionado and author Michael Binder, the video was posted on Nerd Fest UK's YouTube page and has garnered 3,382,559 views and counting. Completely in-sync, who would have thought it was possible for this Bruno Mars number to become even more appealing. In fact, this may just be better than the original. Watch: