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US election 2016: America goes to polls! Who do you think will succeed Obama?

Speed News Desk | Updated on: 10 February 2017, 1:44 IST

Election day is finally here.

Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump and his Democrat rival Hillary Clinton have fought their way to the culmination of the US Presidential elections. The electoral fight between Trump and Clinton has captured international attention, with American media describing the heated 2016 presidential election as the most unconventional polls in US history.

A record number of 35 million people have already cast their votes under the early voting provision ahead of the 8 November presidential election. The number has surpassed the 2012 record when 32.3 million people exercised their franchise in advance.

Both candidates have set records for unpopularity and have emerged as the most hated US presidential hopefuls ever. For instance, a Pew poll conducted in September showed widespread disenchantment towards this years presidential contest among American voters. Both Clinton and Trump are among the oldest general election candidates in US history.

Either ways, America is all set to get its 45th President.

A new national poll recently revealed that Hillary Clinton holds a slim lead over Donald Trump.

The first poll closes at 7pm Eastern Time which is around 5:30 am IST, and ends at midnight ET in Alaska. For the record, India is 10 hours and 30 minutes ahead of Eastern Time.

If all goes well, the result will be clear by when the last state, Alaska, releases the exit poll. In total, there are 538 electoral votes spread across the states, and a candidate needs a majority of 270 of them to win.

--With Agency inputs

First published: 8 November 2016, 10:03 IST