Polaroid has announced the pocket-sized Snap instant digital camera, which is laced with an instant photography feature, synonymous with Polaroid brand cameras. The camera is sleek and prints photos just by the touch of a button using the Zink Zero Ink Printing technology.
It also lets you save photos on the camera, which can later be transferred to a computer or uploaded directly to a social media app.

The camera has a 10-megapixel sensor along with a microSD card slot with a storage space of 32GB. The Snap can print out full colour 2x3 inch photos without ink cartridges, toners or ribbons.
How does Zink Zero work?
According to Forbes, "The Zink photo paper is made of composite material embedded with cyan, yellow and magenta dye crystals and has protective polymer overcoats. A 50-pack of Polaroid's 2x3 inchs Zink photo paper costs about $29.99 on Amazon."

The camera is loaded with features including multiple capture modes, a photo booth app, which can take six pictures in 10 seconds, and a self-timer feature. The capture mode includes colour, black and white and vintage. The self-timer feature helps in taking continuous selfies as well.
The colourless dye crystals make the Zink paper look like ordinary white photo paper. As soon as heat is activated, the ink enabled printer colours the crystals. Each photo is fully printed in just under a minute. The Zink paper has an adhesive back which can be used as stickers.