A satellite developed by Chennai students from the Sathyabama University will be launched by ISRO on the record launch of 20 satellites on 22 June. Called 'Sathybamasat', the satellite will monitor the concentration of greenhouse gases present in the atmosphere.
"The project was commenced in November 2009 and 40 students over the 5 batches were involved in this project," said B Sheela Rani, project manager of Sathybamasat, and Vice-Chancellor, Sathyabama University, quoted the Deccan Chronicle.
"The payload of the satellite ARGUS 1000 IR Spectrometer, will look for the greenhouse gases present in the atmosphere," she added.
The life of the mission is six months and after that, it can be used as a simple transponder for radio communication.
The university has also set up a ground station to receive data from the satellite.