Speed News Desk
| Updated on: 13 February 2017, 7:38 IST

We experience it everyday and thus take sunshine for granted. But for this little creature, an outing in broad daylight was almost a 'life-changing experience.'
When the hedgehog, Pickles, was taken out to enjoy the sunshine, his reaction was just adorable. FYI, hedgehogs are nocturnal animals and it is very rare to spot them during the day.
The video shows Pickles running in circles and diving his nose to make sense of the surprising new experiences around him.
It seems like he has entered a new world, amazed with all it has to offer.
Here are some interesting facts about hedgehogs
- There are some 15 species of hedgehogs in Europe, Asia, and Africa.
- The hedgehog was named so because of its peculiar foraging methods. These animals root through hedges and other undergrowth in search of small creatures that compose the bulk of their diet - insects, worms and even snakes. As a hedgehog picks its way through the hedges it emits pig-like grunts - thus, the hedgehog.
- Some people consider hedgehogs useful pets because they prey on many common garden pests.
Hedgehogs have a coat of stiff, sharp spines. If attacked they will curl into a prickly and unappetizing ball that deters most predators.
- They usually sleep in this position during the day and get up at night to look for food.