Home » social media » Gujarat: A night, a deserted street and 8 lions…. Watch Viral Video

Gujarat: A night, a deserted street and 8 lions…. Watch Viral Video

Speed News Desk | Updated on: 19 February 2023, 15:28 IST
lion pride

Imagine you are walking on a deserted street at night, lost in your thoughts. Suddenly, you spot some glowing eyes in the darkness. You become alert, thinking that these glowing eyes belong to dogs. But what if they were not dogs, but rather lions? And not just one or two, but a whole pride of lions, walking towards you. Terrified isn’t it?

Well, something similar happened in Gujarat when a pride of lions was seen roaming the streets at night. And it wasn't just one or two lions -- eight lions were spotted walking down the street, presumably in search of prey.

In the video, eight lions can be seen walking on a street at night, presumably in search of prey. A few seconds later, two wheelers are seen coming from the other side of the street. The riders stop after spotting the pride. Thankfully, the lions eventually walk away, likely due to the powerful headlights of the vehicles.

But what if the lion pride had decided to chase the headlights?

Watch here.

The video clip was shared by IFS officer Sushanta Nanda on his Twitter handle with caption, “Another day, Another pride… Walking on the streets of Gujarat.” However, the IFS officer didn’t clarify the place where the pride was spotted.

Since being shared the clip has garnered over 474,900 views and more than 7,200 likes. The 45-seocnd clip has thrilled the Twitter users and also prompted them to express their views in the comment section.

"Crocs, Lions. Aise aur kaun kaun ghoomte hain GJ mein?," a Twitter user wrote.

"of course. its wild. my favourite news will always be abt a stray croc found sleeping in same room with 4 other humans whole night and no one noticing entire night. oh and croc straying inside a bathroom. wild, wild," wrote another.

What are your thoughts about the video clip?

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First published: 19 February 2023, 15:28 IST