Friday, 12 August 2016, saw the release of eights film at the Kerala Box Office. Earlier, Catch had reported that eight films are battling it out at the Box Office today - Jayasurya-starrers Pretham and Inspector Dawood Ibrahim, VK Prakash - Biju Menon's Marubhoomiyile Aana, Bollywood films Akshay Kumar-starrer Rustom, Hrithik Roshan-starrer Mohenjo Daro, and Tamil films Joker, Wagah and Mudinja Ivana Pudi.
As per early reports from Kerala, both Jayasurya films, Pretham and Inspector Dawood Ibrahim opened to very good reports at the Box Office. A good opening for both films was always on the cards as their trailers were hits. Pretham is an out and out horror comedy, which also marks the third collaboration of director Ranjith Sankar and Jayasurya after successful films Punyalan Agarbattis and Su.. Su.. Sudhi Vathmeekam. The film has been praised for its good comedy and Jayasurya's performance as a talented mentalist.
The second Jayasurya-starrer of the day, IDI, stars the National-Award winning actor in a never-seen-before avatar as Inspector Dawood Ibrahim. The film marks the directorial debut of actor Sajid Yahiya. Like Pretham, IDI is also carrying positive reports, thanks to the 'mass-content' with all the commercial trappings, including top action scenes and excellent comedy. However, it can't be denied that releasing two films of a profitable actor like Jayasurya on the same day could have been avoided.
Another film which is carrying good reports out of all releases is Akshay Kumar's Rustom. Unlike the Khans, Akshay Kumar doesn't have a big fan base in Kerala, but the good news is that the courtroom-drama is carrying good reports across multiplexes, especially in Cochin multiplexes. Interestingly, Rustom is leading the screen-count at Cochin multiplexes with 28 shows for the day.
Meanwhile, Malayalam film Marubhoomilyile Aana and Hrithik Roshan-starrer Mohenjo Daro opened to average reports at the Kerala Box Office.