As expected, last Thursday's release, the much-awaited Telugu film, Janatha Garage has crossed the coveted Rs 50 crore mark in just four days. Earlier, Catch had reported that the Koratala Siva directorial has opened to a thundering start at the Box Office by minting more than Rs 20 crore on its opening day.
The unique combination of Mohanlal - Jr.NTR - Unni Mukundan has worked wonders for the film as it has emerged as the second fastest Telugu film to cross the half-century mark after the 2015 blockbuster Baahubali: The Beginning. Upon its release, Janatha Garage raked in Rs 20.49 crore on its opening day, followed by Rs 5.48 crore, Rs 4.45 crore and Rs 5.43 crore in the next three days. The worldwide share of the film has made Rs 15 crore at the Box Office, thus leading to a Rs 50.85 crore share within four theatrical days.
Meanwhile, by Monday, Janatha Garage will emerge as the biggest hit in Tarak's career. The film is all set to do remarkable business on Monday as well thanks to Vinayaka Chaturthi holidays in certain parts of the country.