One of the most anticipated Tamil films of 2017, Ilayathalapathy Vijay starrer Bairavaa has made news again recently when the audio launch of the film got cancelled as a mark of respect to late former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, J Jayalalithaa. Written and directed by Bharathan, the film is touted to be an action-family entertainer. Bairavaa stars Keerthy Suresh - of Remo fame - as well as Jagapati Babu, Aparna Vinod, YG Mahendraa and Daniel Balaji.
While Bairavaa is gearing up for its worldwide release on 12 January 2017, the makers, Vijaya Productions has revealed an interesting update on the film's release. For the first time ever a Tamil film is all set to hit the screens on one of the European countries, Latvia. Except for Bollywood films, none of the Tamil films have found their way in this beautiful European country. And thus, Bairavaa emerged as the first Tamil film to do so.
The music for the film has been composed by Santhosh Narayanan - who also worked on Rajinikanth's Kabali. The trailer of Bairavaa is expected to arrive in the first week of January.