In an incident signifying embarrassment for the Trinamool Congress (TMC), a party MLA Vaishali Dalmiya was caught on camera speaking over the phone while the National Anthem was being played.
The TMC leader, who was present at a sports event in Howrah, West Bengal on 18 December was busy attending phone calls while the National Anthem was being played.
Dalmiya, who is the daughter of late Jagmohan Dalmiya, former President of International Cricket Council and Board of Cricket Council of India, was attending Commissioner Cup, a Football tournament organised by Belur Police Station.
This not the first incident when a politician came under the radar for talking over phone during national anthem, as earlier, former chief minister of Jammu and Kashmir Farooq Abdullah faced a huge backlash for talking on phone while the national anthem was being played.
Meanwhile, in Kerala at least six people were detained for allegedly showing disrespect to the national anthem and in another incident a Kerala writer was charged with sedition over a Facebook post that was allegedly disrespectful to the national anthem.