The Indian Army launched a massive assault on 23 November along the Line of Control (LoC), a day after an Indian soldier was mutilated and two others were killed, reportedly by the Pakistani army. The Indian forces are using 120 mm heavy mortars and machine guns against the Pakistani army posts.
The assault on Pakistan along the LoC is the biggest since 2003, reports India Today.
According to reports, the Pakistani army is also helping infiltration along the border by giving cover fire to the militants, though the allegation has been completely denied by Pakistan.
The beheading was the second incident of mutilation of a soldier's body in less than a month. The Army has vowed "heavy retribution for the cowardly act".
This was reportedly the second incident of mutilation of a soldier's body in less than a month.
Also Read: Machil: 3 soldiers killed, 2nd soldier mutilated in a month; Indian Army vows 'heavy retribution'
According to India Today, the incident of 22 November, the army said bore the "signature" of the Pakistan Army's Border Action Team.
The Indian soldiers were ambushed by Pakistani Army while they were patrolling in the Machil sector of north Kashmir.
"Retribution will be heavy for this cowardly act," the army said in a statement.