In a gruesome incident, a teenage rape victim was shot dead by bike-borne assailants in Mau, Uttar Pradesh on 13 September, two days before she had to appear in court as a witness in the 2011 rape case.
The incident occurred at Baijapur village in Dakshintola area when the girl along with her brother was going to visit a doctor. She died of bullet injuries on the spot.
The girl was allegedly raped on 6 June, 2011 by BK Singh, a college official, police said.
The case was ongoing in the local court, where she had to appear as a witness after two days.
The victim's elder sister is also said to have been a victim of the group, before she committed suicide. The family was being harassed to take back the rape case filed by them.
The victim's family members have alleged that she was killed upon the directions of the rape accused.
Police are looking into the case and the guilty will not be spared, additional superintendent of police Sunil Kumar Singh said.
(with inputs from PTI)