The National Testing Agency (NTA) has announced the result of the University Grant Commission National Eligibility Test (NET) of December examination on its official website.
As per the reports, NTA has released the UGC NET exam result today on 6th January, five days before the scheduled release date. The applicants can check the result on the official website, ntanet.nic.in or nta.ac.in. Out of 9.56 lakh candidates who registered for the NTA NET exam, 6.81 lakh appeared for both papers.
The NET exam was held for over two days (December 18 to December 22) and was conducted by the NET for the first time on the behalf of the University Grant Commission.
NTA has already released the question papers and response sheets on its official website. Also, answer keys for the same has been released. Also, the answer keys for the examination has been released on 29th December 2018. Candidates can check the answer key of UGC NET exam by visiting on the official website of NTA at nta.ac.in.

Here’s how to check your UGC NET December Exam Result 2018:
1. Open the official website of NTA at nta.ac.in
2. Click on the link to check your NTA NET December exam result
3. Submit your details asked on the official page
4. Click on Ok
5. Your result will appear on the official page
6. Download your result
7. Take a printout for future references
This year, UGC NET December exam was from 18th December 2018 and was concluded on 22nd December.
First published: 6 January 2019, 12:11 IST