The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has already started the online application process for Non-Technical Popular Categories (NTPC) on its official website on 1st March 2019. Candidates who are willing to apply for the vacancies released under advertisement CEN 01/2019, can submit their application form before 31st March 2019.
However, the last date for the submission of the final application form is 12th April 2019.
Under this recruitment drive, over 1 lakh vacancies to be filled. Therefore, candidates have only over two weeks to submit their application form through online mode.
The online application form fee can be submitted through online mode or through SBI challan which should be filled before 5th April 2019.
There were 35,277 vacancies have been notified for RRB NTPC posts and out of which 10628 are for undergraduate posts i.e. Junior Clerk cum Typist, Accounts Clerk cum Typist, Junior Time Keeper, Trains Clerk, Commercial cum Ticket Clerk and 24649 for Graduate Posts like Goods Guard, Junior Account Assistant cum Typist, Station Master etc.
The selection for the post will be based on their performance in the Computer-Based Test (CBT) that will be conducted from June to September 2019.
Meanwhile, check out how much application forms have been submitted so far by the applicants zone-wise:
1) Ahmedabad- 233563
2) Ajmer- 188176
3) Allahabad- 263983
4) Banglore- 187435
5) Bhopal- 121954
6) Bhubaneshwar- 71822
7) Bilaspur- 166106
8) Chandigarh- 258307
9) Chennai- 227865
10) Gorakhpur- 128552
11) Guwahati- 103245
12) Jammu & Srinagar- 78532
13) Kolkata- 244368
14) Malda- 120173
15) Mumbai- 317463
16) Muzaffarpur- 47936
17) Patna- 157429
18) Ranchi- 168562
19) Secunderabad- 326592
20) Siliguri- 44285
21) Thrivandrum- 93127