Against the backdrop of a bitter standoff between workers of the Aam Aadmi Party and Delhi Police, commissioner BS Bassi on 4 January asserted that Delhiites were "fortunate" that the city police was not under the jurisdiction of the Delhi government.
Addressing his last Delhi Police Annual Conference as police chief, BS Bassi made a few statements which have raised eyebrows. Here's what he said:
'Rapists should be shot or hanged'
We would choose to "shoot or hang" the perpetrators of crime against women if the constitution of India allowed, said Bassi.
Later he defended his statement claiming that the police follows the law and respects the human rights of the accused. "What I meant was we cannot do as the public demands, we have to abide by the law," he said.
'Want to serve the nation after retirement'
Bassi said that he would not miss an opportunity to serve the nation even after his retirement - scheduled for 29 February.
"If I got a chance to serve the nation after retirement, I will definitely do it. If I do not get it then I will enjoy myself," Bassi said when asked about his plans after retirement.
When asked which party he was going to join, Bassi smiled and said, "it will be known after 29 February."
Delhi's AAP government, which has been at loggerheads with the Centre over control of Delhi Police, has repeatedly accused Bassi of behaving like a "senior BJP leader".
'Mein jab panga leta hoon toh bahut khatarnak tarike se leta hoon'
Bassi told the press conference that he was a dangerous man to mess with. The police chief, however, did not make any direct reference to the Arvind Kejriwal-led government, with which the Delhi Police has been engaged in a tug-of-war of sorts in past several months over its functioning.
On the questions about his "khatarkak" remark, Bassi said, "I know the media will play up such remarks".
'People of Delhi are lucky that police is not under the Delhi government'
The city's top cop also said that his force enjoyed "fair autonomy" in its operation. He claimed that bringing the force under the purview of the Delhi government meant having to "giving in to local pressure".
"A Prime Minister will not have local influence, a Home Minister will not have local influence, but if the Delhi Police comes under the local government, then the Chief Minister would have local influence," Bassi claimed.
(With inputs from PTI)