Salman Khan, Ranveer Singh, Varun Dhawan, Karan Johar, Alia Bhatt and many other Bollywood actors took to twitter to promote Akshay Kumar's romantic thriller, Rustom. Following the success of the film, Akshay Kumar took to Facebook to thank all the Bollywood stars in the most hilarious manner.
The video starts with a disclaimer which reads:
"All characters mentioned in this video are superstars. My opinions are mine unless you agree, in which case they are ours. Thank you, Shukriya."
Known for his spontaneity, Kumar is seen rapping the lyrics wherein he prays for the success of Tubelight, Befikre, Baar Baar Dekho, and Badrinath Ki Dulhania amongst other films. Having watched the video, we can say 'ONLY AKSHAY KUMAR COULD HAVE DONE THIS.'
Watch the video here: