Filmmaker R Balki has titled his latest Bollywood film Ki and Ka. Starring Kareena Kapoor Khan and Arjun Kapoor, the film will be a romantic drama.
Expressing his excitement about the film, Arjun Kapoor posted:
An amazingly ambitious LadKI meets a uniquely fascinating ladKA !!!
Balki Kareena and I bring u the Love Story of Ki and Ka Summer 2016 !!!
— Arjun Kapoor (@arjunk26) July 29, 2015
Amitabh Bachchan is also part of the film
The film, which is slated to release next summer, will have megastar Amitabh Bachchan in a cameo role. Bachchan has always been Balki's favourite actor and has starred in all the filmmaker's work so far: Cheeni Kum, Paa and most recently, Shamitabh.
What is with the titles of Balki's films?
The titles of Balki's films have always been a bit offbeat, never holding so much as a clue to the plot.
Cheeni Kum, for example, is about a young lady falling in love with an older man. And the title Shamitabh had driven Bollywood fans crazy before the film's release, as they tried to figure out what it could mean.