Actress Vidya Balan, who will soon be seen in suspense thriller Kahaani 2: Durga Rani Singh, says she only picks a project if she feels she will be able to do justice to it.
"Many times it happens that though I like the story and the character I have been asked to play, I do not take that up. As an actress, I tend to contribute to the film. So, I choose a film that I can do justice to," Vidya said.
The actress expressed her views along with Sujoy Ghosh at the trailer launch of the upcoming Kahaani 2 : Durga Rani Singh.
Coming in an auto-rickshaw at the launch and sporting a no make-up look -- in the film as well as at the launch -- Vidya looks quite promising in the film.
Talking about her shooting experience, Vidya, who also featured in the 2012 film Kahaani, said: "We went to a small place in Kalimpong (West Bengal) for shooting. I think since the place is a little isolated, we managed to keep it a secret. On the other hand, it is a thriller film. So, one should know everything only when watching the film."
In the film, Vidya is playing the character of Durga Rani Singh who unveils the dark past of of Vidya Sinha (her character in Kahaani), which links her to Durga Rani singh, a criminal on the run for kidnapping and murder.