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In pictures: Instagram's famous #FollowMeTo couple came back to India to get married

Speed News Desk | Updated on: 2 November 2016, 19:00 IST

Russian photographer and Instagram celebrity Murad Osmann and his wife Nataly came back to India to get married again. This time with band, baja and Instagram.

The famous couple have been touring the world, posing in their signature style and making the hashtag #FollowMeTo so famous, it no longer requires a reference.

Feeling the dance ...

A video posted by Nataly Osmann (@natalyosmann) on

With about 4.4 million followers, Murad is a legit celebrity. Last week Murad posted a photo of him and his wife posing at the Taj Mahal. This is their third visit to the country - and a very special visit at that. This time they came back to get married again in a tradtional Indian style.

Resplendent in a shimmery gold Abu Janu and Sandeep Khosla ensemble, the bride was positively glowing as she posed with her bridesmaids at the Taj.

These guys have the best job in the world, no?

Wild and beautiful India...I'm always try to wear national costumes ... It's not a typical sari, but a modern Indian style and still incredible . We had to wake up early in the morning, around 5 and had tried catching sunrise at Taj Mahal Thank you my friend for the dress @mohitrai its @abujanisandeepkhosla . More in insta story . @BeautifulDestinations @ITChotels @TheLuxuryCollection В каждой стране я стараюсь найти национальные костюмы, они как никто могут рассказать о культуре и истории страны. На мне не совсем типичное сари, оно современное. Но не менее красивое. Нам пришлось встать в 5 утра. Чтобы встретить рассвет у Тадж Махала. Смотрите больше в инст сториз #следуйзамной #Indiainstameet

A photo posted by Nataly Osmann (@natalyosmann) on

Indian moments, together with @natalyosmann

A photo posted by Murad Osmann (@muradosmann) on

#followmeto Taj Mahal with @natalyosmann. Finding a new angle was a challenge for us... I will be honest with you - I like this picture more than the previous one from Taj. Which one is your favourite? Thanks to our dear friend @mohitrai for coming to hotel at 5:30 a.m. and helping us with the dresses. #следуйзамной в Тадж Махал. Признаюсь вам - найти новый ракурс и переплюнуть предыдущую фото было для нас сложной задачей, но эта фотография мне нравится больше :). А какая вам? On Nataly: @abujanisandeepkhosla, @amrapalijewels, @raabrabyrahul. #IndiaInstaMeet @beautifuldestinations @theluxurycollection @itchotels

A photo posted by Murad Osmann (@muradosmann) on

First published: 2 November 2016, 19:00 IST