The date 11 September 2001 marks one of America's darkest days that changed the course of history forever. Fifteen years ago today, two hijacked passenger airlines rammed into New York City's World Trade Center, one into the Pentagon in Washington and another crash-landed on an empty field in Pennsylvania. Nearly 3,000 people were killed.
Reports suggest that as many as 1,355 people at or above the point of impact were trapped and died of smoke inhalation. Many fell or jumped from the tower from over 100 storeys to escape the thick smoke and raging flames. While hundreds died in the building's eventual collapse.
If the attacks had never happened, America would be talking about then-senator Joe Biden's attack on then-President Bush or the oil price hike. However, it would be safe to say that it was just the calm before the storm.
The next day after the attacks took place, the front page of newspapers all over the world were filled with outrageous headlines with many terming the attack as a declaration of war.
This is what the front page of newspapers looked like the next day the attacks took place.