Home » tech news » 19-year old woman live-steamed her own suicide on Periscope

19-year old woman live-steamed her own suicide on Periscope

Speed News Desk | Updated on: 10 February 2017, 1:49 IST

A 19-year old French girl committed suicide by jumping in front of a high-speed suburban train in Paris. As disturbing as any suicide is, this one was even more so. Why?

The act was streamed live on Persicope.

The woman spoke of "rape and named the offender", while filming the act.

An investigation has been initiated to look into the circumstances of the suicide. The police said that they were alerted by someone who was watching the Periscope stream.

This is not the first and clearly not the last when such disturbing acts have been live streamed. Live-streaming technologies have their downside. Recently, two teenagers attacked a drunk man in France. The two assailants recorded the assault on Periscope and filmed themselves bragging and laughing about it.

The video of suicide is no longer available on the app.

Periscope is an app that allows users to stream live video via their twitter account. The video remains accessible for 24 hours.

First published: 12 May 2016, 11:13 IST