Ajith fans can finally rejoice now as the superstar's upcoming film, Thala 57 has officially been launched in Chennai. The cast and crew have conducted a pooja for the yet-to-be-titled film on 6 July.
The film, which will see Ajith play a double role, will be actor's third outing with director Siva. The duo's previous films,Veeram, and Vedalam were huge hits at the Box Office. According to reports, one of Ajith's roles in the film is that of an FBI agent.
Earlier, Catch had reported that the makers were planning to kickstart the film before the Tamil month of Aadi - which falls between 16 July to 17 August.
Reportedly, the film will start rolling from the first week of August, which will be shot in Bulgaria. The names of Kajal Aggarwal, Anushka Shetty, and Irudhi Suttru fame Ritika Singh are doing the rounds for the female lead of the film. An official confirmation about the title of the film and the female lead are expected soon.