Amid ongoing family feud within the Mulayam Singh Yadav clan, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav today came out with a campaign video, according to a NDTV report.
The video, which comes amid a power tussle between the CM and his uncle Shivpal Yadav doesn't feature party supremo and his father Mulayam Singh Yadav or any other party leader except for his wife and SP MP Dimple Yadav.
Akhilesh's special campaign rath or chariot-a repurposed bus- will roll out from 3 November.
The video opens with the pledge: "Every day I commit myself to the future of Uttar Pradesh". Later, it also features Akhilesh at the breakfast table, with wife Dimple Yadav and their children.
In the video, the UP CM can also be seen distributing relief material to Muzaffarnagar riot victims.
As the video ends, the Chief Minister is interrupted by his children during a meeting. He drops everything to play cricket with them.