Every time a mouth in a position of power utters wise words no one agrees with (or so we hope), there is a huge amount of curiosity for the said person's ideological positioning. And what better way to know what's cooking in Minister of Culture Mahesh Sharma's mind, than chatting him up live for the world to hear?
That's exactly what BBC Hindi is up to. After the respected Mr Sharma made his opinions on Muslims and Indian women known, not many were pleased online (much like our author here). Furthermore, Mr Sharma sought to explain his 'right-wing ideology' by stating that the people are responsible for electing such a government.
Surely not what we expected from Prime Narendra Modi's 'achhe din'?
Anyhow, we hope Mr Sharma will clarify his stance on the matter in this chat. Or not. Either way, we would have something of national relevance (unlike a certain murder case) to talk about.
Listen in.