Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment Board has released the official notification for the recruitment of over 40,000 vacant posts. Therefore, candidates who wanted to apply for the exam can check the official website for the recruitment details.
As per the official notification, UP Police Recruitment Board has invited applications to fill 49,568 vacant posts for the aspirants. Therefore, all the interested candidates can apply for the application from today onwards. However, the last to apply for the vacancy is 8th December.
Check out the vacancy details:
UP Police recruitment board has released a total of 49,568 vacancies
Out of the total posts, the board has released 31360 vacancies for the Citizen Police while the rest of the vacant posts are for the Provincial Armed Constabulary wing.
Educational Qualification:
To apply for the UP Police constable vacancy, the candidate must have passed class 12 or have an equivalent certificate.
Candidates must have the education that has been asked in the notification to apply for the posts and also have the NCC cadet ‘B’ certificate, two years of experience under territorial army and DOEACC certificate/ NIELIT ‘O’ certificate.
Age Limit:
The minimum age limit to apply for the recruitment is 18 years while the maximum age is 22 years.
Candidates who will get selected for the post will get a monthly pay of Rs 21,700.
First published: 20 November 2018, 13:45 IST