October is celebrated as the National Breast Cancer Awareness Month in various countries across the world. The month is dedicated to helping people recognise and cure breast cancer.
The first documented case of breast cancer was found in ancient Egyptian text that dates back to 1600 BC. The text reportedly described eight cases of tumors or ulcers related to the breast.
We've come a long way from a time when medical researchers were puzzled over the causes and symptoms of breast cancer, ignorance that proved deadly in terms of the numerous lives that the disease claimed.
Here's a look at the causes of breast cancer, according to ancient researchers. While these observations are only the stepping stones in research in this field, some of them are hillarious and absurd.
1. Too much sexual activity can cause breast cancer
In the past, researchers believed that promiscuity, high libido and too much sexual activity could cause breast cancer.
2. Divine Punishment
God: Are you a woman?
Woman: Yes
God: Did you sin?
Woman: Yes
God: Breast cancer for you.
Yes, that's right. Some researchers thought God punished women through breast cancer. No words here.
3. Lack of/denying sex
An extension of the previous school of thought, some were of the opinion that denying sex to the partner or a lack of sex was could cause breast cancer.
4. Wandering womb
Cases of breast cancer in ancient times were often attributed to what Hippocrates called "the wandering womb." This particular explanation hinges on the belief that a woman's uterus could move throughout the body, leaving health problems of every kind in its wake.
5. No cure for this mysterious disease
According to legend, the first doctors who attempted to treat breast cancer couldn't make headway with the mysterious disease, thereby declaring that it has no treatment.
Edited by Blassy Boben