Indian Railways broke all its records by releasing lakhs of job opportunities on various posts like RRB Group D, RRB Non-Technical Popular Categories (NTPC), Para-Medical Stuff, Ministerial and Isolated Categories, and Level 1 posts.
Ahead of Lok Sabha elections 2019, Railway Recruitment Board has released over 2 lakh jobs for RRB NTPC and Level 1 jobs.
The online application process for RRB NTPC will be going to close on the 31st of March 2019.
Under RRB NTPC, there are jobs for the posts of Commercial Apprentice, Assistant Station Master, Senior Time Keeper, Loco Pilot, Senior Clerk cum Typist, Line Man, Goods Guard, etc.
Those candidates are left to submit their application form should apply before the last date and also after reading the official notification available on the RRB’s region-based websites.
To get selected for the post, candidates must know the knowledge about the examination pattern.
Check out the various stages involved for the selection of Railways NTPC exam:
1. RRB NTPC Prelims (Computer Based Test)
2. RRB NTPC Mains (Computer Based Test)
3. Typing Test (for the post of Junior Accounts Assistant cum Typist, Senior Clerk cum Typist, and Senior Time Keeper)
4. RRB NTPC Aptitude Test (for the post of Traffic Assistant and Assistant Station Master)
5. Document Verification
6. Medical Fitness Test
7. Final Selection
After qualifying all these stages, candidates will be selected for the posts.
However, prelims and mains examination include four sections that have to be solved by candidates.
1. General Science
2. General Awareness
3. Reasoning
4. Arithmetic
Candidates who are going to appear for the exam and unable to understand that how to do prepare for the exam, then we have brought some tips for you that will make you master of all but a jack of none.
Here’s how to prepare:
1. To prepare for General Science:
Candidates should read the NCERT books of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology from class 6th to 10th. Clear all the basic concepts without any shyness because you never know which easy question could trouble you.
2. Preparation for General Awareness:
Keep your eyes on current affairs of national and international topics. Also, focus on NCERT History, Geography, Civics, and Political Science books. Apart from textbooks, read the newspaper and listen to the news at least for an hour on a daily basis. This would help you in keeping every topic on your tips.
3. Preparation for Reasoning:
In the beginning, cover topics like Classification, Number and Alphabet Series, Analogy, Distance and Directions, Blood Relations, etc. When you feel that you are master on these topics then, start preparation of Syllogism, Statements & Assumptions, Seating Arrangements, Statements & Conclusions, Puzzles etc.
4. Preparation for Arithmetic:
To do the preparation for Arithmetic, candidates should solve the questions of high school-level Mathematics.