Rustom is Akshay Kumar's second super-hit of the year after Airlift. The drama - based on the infamous Nanavati case - is looking to end its lifetime run with Box Office collections close to Rs 128 crore.
The film, that clashed with Mohenjo Daro at the Box Office during the Independence Day weekend, has become the third Rs 100 crore grosser of the year for Akshay Kumar. Rustom opened to mixed reviews but the positive word of mouth ensured that the film had a smooth run at the Box Office.
Rustom fared the best at Mumbai, Delhi, Gujarat, Punjab and Rajasthan. The moderate budget helped ensure profits for everyone associated with the film.
Here's a look at economics of Rustom from the producers' point of view:
- Cost of Production: Rs 55 crore
- Print and Publicity: Rs 15 crore
Total Cost: 70 Crore
- Indian Theatrical Rights: Rs 39 crore
- Overseas Distributor Share: Rs 17 crore
- Satellite Rights: Rs 23 crore
- Music Rights and Ancillary Revenue: Rs 8 crore
Total Recovery: Rs 87 crore
Profit (For Producers Zee Studios): Rs 17 crore
Since the all-India Distributor rights were pre-sold to Kumar Mangat for a fixed amount, the profit for the distributor is as follows:
- All India Distribution Rights: Rs 39 crore
- All India Distributor Share: Rs 64 crore (Approx)
- Profit (For Distributor): Rs 25 crore
Rustom Box Office verdict: Super Hit