The trailer of R Balki's upcoming Bollywood offering Ki and Ka is out and it's a thought provoking one. Featuring Kareena Kapoor Khan and Arjun Kapoor in the lead, the trailer gives away the theme of the film and also reveals the mystery behind the strange title -- Ki and Ka.
The film portrays Arjun and Kareena as a married couple and also highlights the roles a husband and a wife are expected to play in a society. While a man is supposed to be the breadwinner and a woman a house-maker, here, in Ki and Ka, you can expect an interesting role reversal.
Watch the trailer here:
The film questions the basis of the popular phrase -- 'she's a man in the relationship'. The makers of the film have tried to handle a delicate subject on screen, we hope they have done justice to it.
They seem to be questioning a widely accepted societal mentality, but without too much drama. Explaining the film's subject, director Balki told PTI:
He also said that people should take it as a fun film."It (Ki and Ka) is light, simple film about the relationship between two people. There is nothing 'hatke' about a man being a homemaker."
"I think we three (Kareena, Arjun and I) are fools to have done this (film). People would usually say what a foolish couple, how can they stay like this... if you think it's foolish then be it. It's a fun film."
Produced by Eros International and Hope Productions, Ki and Ka is set for release on 1 April.