The forest rangers of Jabalpur district of Madhya Pradesh are in a celebratory mood as they have cracked the challenging case of catching a notorious monkey!
The monkey was accused of violently attacking over 200 people at a village in Jabalpur and was finally captured after the rangers gave chase for five days.
A bounty of Rs 10,000 was declared by local villagers for its capture.
The 30 kg Rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) had reportedly grievously injured its victims, three of whom had to be hospitalised in Jabalpur's Bedaghat area in the last six months.
Rangers began the chase following reports that the monkey had attacked many villagers last week and brutally bit some on their arms and legs.
A team of 10 forest guards lured the monkey into a trap with bananas during a nine-hour operation. Villagers said there were two troops of monkeys in the area, but this ape was the only attacker.
The monkey has been shifted to another forest which is situated far from the village.