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US election countdown: Funniest moments from Donald Trump & Hillary Clinton

Catch Team | Updated on: 10 February 2017, 1:40 IST

Vicious - that, in a nutshell, describes the way the current US election campaign has been conducted. The Democratic and Republican primaries alone were already cut throat affairs. However, the gloves truly came off once Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton were chosen by their respective parties. From personal barbs to fights between Democratic and Republican supporters, animosity is the flavour of the season.

However, even in the midst of all the rhetoric and accusations that have flown thick and fast, there have been many moments that have had global audiences doubled over laughing.

Here are some of the funniest moments from the election campaign trail, as hopefully laughter can be the balm that soothes the frayed nerves as the American election finally comes to a head:

1) Donald Trump sniffing through the Presidential debate

In the run up to the third and final US Presidential debate, Donald Trump actually called for drug testing of candidates, claiming that Hillary Clinton seemed to be on drugs in the previous debate.

However, anyone who watched the first two debates was more likely to think that Trump was the one on drugs as he sniffled his way through the debates like a coke fiend on a bender.

2) Donald Trump gets attacked by bald eagle named Uncle Sam

Donald Trump has done his best during this election to project himself as the epitome of America. So, when he got the chance for a Time Magazine photo shoot with a bald eagle named Uncle Sam, something so American it bleeds mayonnaise and shits dollars, he jumped at it. After all, birds of a feather...

There was just one problem though, Uncle Sam seemingly mistook Trump's hair for prey (who would've guessed?) and tried to attack him a number of times, leaving Trump with both hair and feathers ruffled.

3) Hillary Clinton sees balloons for the first time

As a former first lady, long time senator and the current US Secretary of State, you'd imagine that Hillary Clinton has seen it all. However, at the Democratic National Convention, Clinton proved there was one thing that surprised her even more than James Comey's flip flops - balloons.

As balloons rained from the ceiling, Clinton reacted like she was seeing them through a prism of psychedelic drugs, going bug-eyed and clinging on to Bill Clinton's arm like she was on the verge of fainting.

4) Donald Trump has the best words

Donald Trump is known for the words he spews. But while the insanity comes through in his words, he's not always known for the quality of the words he uses, often relying to generic belligerence rather than anything resembling coherence. But not if you ask Trump though.

In Trumpland, not only does he know words, he knows the BEST words, which, as it turns out, are the childish insults he normally uses.

5) Hillary roasts Donald Trump

The Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner is one where the US Presidential nominees drop the anger and show their lighter sides. However, given the tone and tenor of this election, everyone expected fireworks even at the normally relaxed dinner. And they weren't entirely wrong.

Donald Trump, true to form, came out fighting and absolutely bombed. Hillary though, used humour to absolutely shred Trump, showing that wit trumps aggression.

First published: 8 November 2016, 7:35 IST