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Tainted Gujarat cop Vanzara attends RSS event

Speed News team | Updated on: 10 February 2017, 1:50 IST

After announcing on Friday that he would play a public role in the state, retired IPS officer DG Vanzara attended an RSS event in Ahmedabad on Sunday, 10 April, where RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat and several senior state BJP leaders and ministers were present.

Vanzara had been jailed for eight years for his role in the fake encounter killings of Ishrat Jahan and Sohrabuddin Sheikh. He is out on bail and was only allowed to return to Gujarat on Friday when a CBI court relaxed his bail conditions, according to The Indian Express.

Bhagwat said: "The impact of the Sangh has grown over time, and more than its impact, faith of the people in it has become stronger."

He added: "We have to work towards making our country a world leader and we have to become such that the entire world chants 'Vishwa Guru Bharat Mata Ki Jai.' And this is our personal resolution, our collective resolution, our only resolution."

First published: 11 April 2016, 9:04 IST