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Will Bob Dylan attend the Nobel Prize ceremony? Here's what we know

Speed News Desk | Updated on: 11 February 2017, 5:47 IST

Bob Dylan doesn't care about what you or the Nobel Prize committee want from him. Meaning, him. Dylan does as Dylan wants, and in this case, Dylan does NOT want to attend the Nobel Prize ceremony, in Stockholm.

On Wednesday, the Swedish Academy said: "In a personal letter, he explained that due to pre-existing commitments, he is unable to travel to Stockholm in December and therefore will not attend the Nobel Prize ceremony. He underscored, once again, that he feels very honoured indeed, wishing that he could receive the prize in person," Xinhua news agency reported.

"That laureates decide not to come is unusual, to be sure, but not exceptional," the Academy said, adding that the prize "still belongs to Bob Dylan".

"We look forward to Bob Dylan's Nobel Lecture, which he must give -- it is the only requirement -- within six months counting from December 10, 2016," the Academy said.

On 13 October, the Swedish Academy announced hat it is conferring the Nobel Prize in Literature 2016 to Dylan "for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition".

We're with you. That Nobel Lecture is going to be exceptional. We're almost overwhelmed already.


With inputs from IANS

First published: 17 November 2016, 2:21 IST