Home » World News » Bob Dylan is 'impolite and arrogant': Nobel Academy member

Bob Dylan is 'impolite and arrogant': Nobel Academy member

News Agencies | Updated on: 10 February 2017, 1:46 IST

A prominent member of the Nobel academy has described this year's laureate, Bob Dylan, as arrogant, citing his total silence and failure to respond to phone calls from the Swedish Academy after being awarded.

The US singer-songwriter has neither responded to repeated phone calls from the Swedish Academy, nor reacted in any manner in public to the news, reports the Guardian.

"It's impolite and arrogant," said the academy member, Swedish writer Per Wastberg.

On the evening of 13 October, the day the literature prize winner was announced, Dylan played at a concert in Las Vegas during which he made no statement about it at all to his fans.

Every 10 December, Nobel prize winners are invited to Stockholm to receive their awards from King Carl XVI Gustaf and give a speech during a banquet.

The academy still does not know if Dylan plans to come.

"This is an unprecedented situation," Wastberg said.


First published: 22 October 2016, 12:17 IST