Jallianwala Bagh 100 years: 1650 rounds in 10 mins, killed hundreds; Netizens call it, ‘shameful act in Britain-Indian history’

Speed News Desk 13 April 2019, 11:40 IST

Jallianwala Bagh 100 years: 1650 rounds in 10 mins, killed hundreds; Netizens call it, ‘shameful act in Britain-Indian history’

Almost 100 years of Jallianwala Bagh massacre has been passed but the wounds are still fresh in the hearts of millions of Indians. 13th April is commemorated as the atrocities of British colonial rule for which Britain government yet to have apologised. However, British envoy to India has termed it as a ‘shameful act in British-Indian history’.

In this heinous crime, over hundreds of people were killed and thousands were wounded in 1650 round of fire in 10 minutes at Jallianwala Bagh.
India has marked the 100th anniversary of the Jallianwala Bagh massacre today and Indians are paying tribute to the sacrifice of the thousands of martyrs.

British High Commissioner has paid his tribute and also wrote in the visitor’s book the memorial in Punjab’s Amritsar that ‘The events of Jallianwala Bagh 100 years ago today reflects a shameful act in British-Indian history. We deeply regret what happened and the suffering caused. I am pleased today that the UK and India have and remain committed to developing further a thriving 21st-century partnership.’

Also, Congress chief Rahul Gandhi has reached Amritsar last night and paid floral tribute to the martyrs.


‘The cost of freedom must never ever be forgotten. We salute the people of India who gave everything they had for it,’ Rahul wrote in a visitor’s book.
Gandhi was also accompanied by Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh, state minister Navjot Singh Sidhu and some other Congress leaders at the memorial.

Also, Prime Minister Modi took to Twitter and wrote, ‘Today, when we observe 100 years of the horrific Jallianwala Bagh massacre, India pays tributes to all those martyred on that fateful day. Their valour and sacrifice will never be forgotten. Their memory inspires us to work even harder to build an India they would be proud of.’


Netizens called the day as the black day in the history of paid the homage to the courage and valour of martyrs.

Check out netizens reactions:



However, 100 years have been passed but no formal apology has been come from the side of Britian.

Jallianwala Bagh massacre took place in Amritsar over Baisakhi on 13th April 1919 when troops of the British Indian Army, under the command of General Reginald Dyer, fired indiscriminately at a crowd holding a pro-independence demonstration, leaving hundreds of people dead.

-With PTI inputs

Also read: '100 years, no apology', says families of those killed in Jallianwala Bagh