Madhya Pradesh: Bizarre! Husband refuses to shave, bathe for almost week; wife files for divorce

Speed News Desk 13 April 2019, 11:31 IST

Madhya Pradesh: Bizarre! Husband refuses to shave, bathe for almost week; wife files for divorce

In a bizarre incident, a 23-year-old woman from Madhya Pradesh has filed for divorce and claimed that her husband refuses to shave or bathe for almost a week. The couple tied knot last year was directed by Bhopal family court to stay separately for six months, after which they will be granted divorce decree, a counsellor said.

"Bhopal family court judge RN Chand has directed the couple to stay separately for six months," court counsellor Shail Awasthi told PTI Friday.

The 25-year-old husband filed a mutual consent plea for divorce. The woman in her complaint said that her husband shaves his beard and bathe for 7-8 days at a stretch.

"Women nowadays are separating from their husband over petty issues. This woman, who hails from Barigarh near Bhopal, complained that her husband stinks and when she asks him to bathe, he wears perfume to beat the odour," Awasthi said.

The husband is from Sindhi community and runs a shop and the woman is a Brahmin, they do not have a child. However, woman’s family members requested her not to walk out of the marriage but she did not agree, the counsellor said.

The man’s family opted for the inter-community wedding as they did not find a suitable bride in their community and it was arranged marriage.


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