Amazing! Father of 4-year-old son builds incredible fort from sandwich boxes during quarantine

Speed News Desk 11 April 2020, 13:44 IST

Amazing! Father of 4-year-old son builds incredible fort from sandwich boxes during quarantine

Self-isolation has brought several talents of people on social media and also inspiring other people to follow that during the lockdown. One of the best examples that surfaced the Internet is from United Kingdown’s Somerset where a father in quarantine built a cardboard fort for his son to make him busy during the coronavirus lockdown.

Interestingly, the man built the fort from the help of old sandwich boxes and tape and build an amazing fort for his 4-year-old son, Sebastian.

Steve Wilson did for his son who is getting bored while playing board games and hence he decided to fashion a fort out of old sandwich boxes.

The 52-year-old man took four days to build the fort as he focused his attention on single detailing to make the structure look like a fort.

Wonderfully, the fort has corridors, turrets, a moving drawbridge, and a hiding place.



According to the reports of metro.co.uk, Steve said, “What was going to be a four-hour job turned into days of building. ‘I’ll almost be sad to see it demolished – either by Sebastian from playing in it or when we reopen.”

He also shared the pictures on his Facebook on Thursday and has garnered outstanding reactions for his creativity during the lockdown period.

One of the users commented: “Bit bored Steve?! Hopefully, you’ll be overrun with kids soon”. Another wrote, “When life gives you boxes…build a castle, obviously!”

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