Nurse reprimanded for wearing bikini beneath her PPE gown while treating COVID-19 patients, pic goes viral

Speed News Desk 21 May 2020, 17:55 IST

Nurse reprimanded for wearing bikini beneath her PPE gown while treating COVID-19 patients, pic goes viral

A nurse got rebuked by hospital officials in Moscow after she violated uniform requirements.

According to Daily Mail, the nurse ditched her uniform and opted to wear a bikini under her PPE gown while treating male patients in the coronavirus ward in a hospital.

The incident came to notice when her picture went viral on social media platforms.

The unnamed Russian nurse is working at Tula Regional Clinical Hospital, 100 miles south of Moscow.

However, no patients have a complaint about the inappropriate clothing of the nurse, but a patient admitted that there was ‘some embarrassment’ among his fellow bedmates, Daily Mail report claimed.


The hospital officials were left stunned when they saw the picture of the nurse. They reprimanded the nurse for “non-compliance with the requirement for medical clothing”.

Even her reason left hospital officials amused. The nurse who is just 20, said that she was feeling “too hot” wearing her nurses’ uniform beneath her protective gown and hence decided to wear the “two-piece swimsuit”.

She tried to convince the Tula hospital officials by saying that she didn’t realize that the PPE she wears every day was as see-through as it turned out to be. Unfortunately, all her requests went unheard and officials disciplined her for violation.

However, the exact details of the disciplinary action were not disclosed.

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