Ad Blocker

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Thanks for coming to Catch News. We have noticed you have ad-blocker enabled. Showing ads is imperative for sustaining high quality news environment. Please support us and allow us to show advertisements, we promise not to show many. Please turn off the AdBlocker or whitelist to continue reading the latest news and important views. CATCHNEWS HOME >

Steps for disabling ad blocker

AdBlock Plus

STEP 1 - Click on the AdBlock Plus icon on the top right of your browser

STEP 2 - A drop-down menu will appear with a check mark followed by Enabled on this site

STEP 3 - Click the button to until the text reads Disabled on this site

STEP 4 - Refresh the page or click Continue to site, to access

Chrome Adblock Extension

STEP 1 - Click on the hand icon for adblock extension, on the top right corner of your browser

STEP 2 - A drop-down menu will appear

STEP 3 - Click the Don't run on pages on this domain option on the drop down

STEP 4 - Once clicked a settings popup will appear

STEP 5 - Click Exclude

STEP 6 - Refresh the page or click Go to Home Page, to access